ListMaker Version 1.0 Quick Start Manual Synergy Solutions, Inc. Introduction: This is for those of you who don't like to read manuals. This is mainly a description of ListMaker's features. To find out more about each feature, please read the manual (ListMaker.txt). Features: ListMaker supports 16 categories (15 plus the Misc list). These categories work in the same way as the familiar To Do List, Memo Pad, Date Book, and Address Book applications do. Choose the category with the category popup list in the upper right corner of the screen. Each list has two main views, List View and Common View. List View is the view you see when you first run ListMaker. the Common View appears when you tap the "Common..." button from within the List View. Items in the Common View are meant to be more permanent than the items in the List View. To add a new item in either the List View or the Common View tap the "New" button. If no item is selected the new item will be at the top of the list; if an item is selected the new item will appear after the selected item. Another way to create a new item is to start writing in the Graffiti area. To delete a selected item, choose "Delete Item..." from the List menu. To clear the checked items from the List View, choose "Purge List..." from the List menu. Another way to delete an item is to select its text and do a backspace Graffiti stroke then tap off of the item. Each list supports manual and automatic sorting. To manually sort, tap and hold on an item until is becomes highlighted then drag it to the desired location and let the stylus off the screen. To sort a list in alphabetical order choose "Sort List" from the List Menu. To keep a list sorted at all times, check "Always Sort" in the preferences. To sort checked (completed) items at the end of the list, choose "Sort Checked At End" in the preferences. Each list item in the List View has a checkbox and an optional popup trigger. Use the checkbox to indicate that an item is completed or done. Use the popup trigger to show a list of Common Items with which to replace the list item or to add the list item to the common set. To show the popup triggers check "Show Popup Triggers" in the preferences. Each list item can have attached to it a note. To attach a note to a selected list item, choose "Add Note..." from the List menu. To delete the note of a selected item, choose "Delete Note..." from the List Menu. To access the note text, tap on the note icon at the right of the list item's text field. That's about it for the Quick Start of ListMaker. Of course, look to the real manual for more detailed information. Also, you can email with any questions. Thanks for using ListMaker!